I can't tell how accurate the product description is because I didn't receive the product. At the time this comment was written, it has been several months since I placed the order and no product, no updates, no reason for its absence. Very disappointed. Would not recommend ordering from this seller.
At the time this comment was written, I placed an order for this product nearly 5 months ago and have yet to receive it. I understand that because the product is inexpensive and shipping costs are minimal (or free) that I would have to wait a while for the item I purchased, but this is excessive. I will not purchase from this seller again.
I can't tell how accurate the product description is because I didn't receive the product. At the time this comment was written, it has been several months since I placed the order and no product, no updates, no reason for its absence. Very disappointed. Would not recommend ordering from this seller.
At the time this comment was written, I placed an order for this product nearly 5 months ago and have yet to receive it. I understand that because the product is inexpensive and shipping costs are minimal (or free) that I would have to wait a while for the item I purchased, but this is excessive. I will not purchase from this seller again.