Beware this seller! Do not press cancel dispute if you don’t receive your goods! This seller does not send goods correctly, he will say goods be sent back, price is changed, you need pay extra. If you ask refund, they will say cancel your dispute, press return goods, but we haven’t received any. Seller will say you don’t need return. Beware! Don’t cancel dispute, seller will refuse your refund, refund will become £0.00. Do not accept, press reject. AliExpress will check your order,and give you full refund. For this kind of seller, never cancel dispute until you get refund or goods. This is what they do to me!
I had no chance to check: I have never received the order. Close to the date of the bin to be received, the seller contacted me asking for additional $15 without any significant explanation. After the conversation he told the bin had been shipped without any additional payments. This had never happened and I had to open the dispute.