Not recommended seller. They gave me a fake tracking number. After the item was delivered to another person, they rewrote it to a non-trackable tracking number other than China Post without my permission. The item description is also dishonest. It's can be read n to include 10 blades, but it's not an option they said. Since it is a different product, it should be written as "sold as separately".
The saw looks just as thin in the post. At low or medium beats per minute, works well, at high beats creates a lot of vibrations and also strong sparks in the engine. The body of the transmission that transmits motion from the motor to the blade is made of light metal and I hope it will be durable. Net saw weight, without battery 1050 grams. The length of the sawing pulse - 14 mm. Overall, this is a cheap product that fits Makita batteries, and only days will tell if the product is quality. Delivery arrived within 21 days. I recommend the product and also the store