ordered 19.6.2020, shipped 20.6.2020. I have not received it yet (13.10.2020) after almost 4 months delivery time. seller agreed to send another couple of weeks ago, therefore neutral ***. I hope I get it before the end of the year. I was hoping to get it during the summer. anyway, seller is friendly and understanding.
ordered 19.6.2020, shipped 20.6.2020. I have not received it yet (13.10.2020) after almost 4 months delivery time. seller agreed to send another couple of weeks ago, therefore neutral ***. I hope I get it before the end of the year. I was hoping to get it during the summer. anyway, seller is friendly and understanding.
I earlier gave feedback that I had not received this item in promised 90 days. well, guess what: it finally appeared my my box. it only took 139 days to reach its destination. My conclusion: avoid using 4PX, unless you don't need your shipment in less than 5 months.