The mask does not seal properly, Compared to my authentic 3m there are some significant differences in build quality. I only recommend this if you are looking for replacement parts for a 3m mask you already own luckily I already had a mask, The valves and straps are okay but the silicone mold is no good plus a very strong machine oil smell. I have not yet tested the filters.
Attention to all buyers. Please read this review and make sure that you judge all the photos by yourself. You dont need to waste your money with this seller. This item was received after a very long wait period and the protection period expired. The items that the seller shipped were badly packaged and it appears as if two items in the package might not be genuine. The seller might be deceiving customers. The n95 cotton filters appear fake and so does the organic vapor cartridge. As far as the mask is concerned its mangled
After using this mask, it has been observed that it does not form a proper seal. The bayonet mounts are not secure and the latches are of poor quality. This is another reason why this must be a fake