From a signal booster range sadly my LTE Router only switches between the same as before with internal antenna and one more bar than before. From a speed perspective it was 1 - 20MBit/s with 4G on the internal antenna and now 1 - 50MBit/s as maximum speed with the external antenna which is very good. In general Im now more able to play Multiplayer Games than before but still the speed and Internet is mixed. Sometimes its very bad and have issues and sometimes its very good. So I think with the external antenna it improved but now I wonder if I would buy a bigger antenna that is not spreading but directly focusing on a 4G Antenna if I could have even better improvements as 4G can do till 120MBit/s theoretically and we have a 4G+ Signal over 1km away. Might be worth a try but for a "cheap" short improvement this Antenna is not bad.