not tested yet but looks as advertised
Happy with the new inner it fits well and appears good quality. Shipping was fast to the UK. This is why I chose this seller having read they ship items to the UK quickly. I must bring to the attention of anyone from the U.K. who is thinking of buying from this seller to note that I had to pay £11 additional customs and handling charge fees before the post office would deliver the item. The seller had declared that the items value was $19 on the customs declaration on the exterior of the package. When I received my item customs had attached a sticker informing me that any item valued above £15 will be liable to import duty into the U.K. I appreciate the seller has not declared the full value of the item which cost me £56 but if you are going to be less than accurate with the value of the item then state it is less than £15 and residents of the UK would not have to pay the customs surcharge. My advice to anyone thinking of buying this item is to buy from a different seller.