Good quality, perfect fit for Galaxy S20 FE.
Ordered in late November and received in late January. I was worried about the tracking because it was waiting at the distribution center in my state for around a month, contacted the seller about it, and the seller got back to me in under an hour. The seller assured me everything was okay and they sent me their tracking updates to show me that it was sent and was on its way. After contacting the seller my product was delivered in a few days, so all was well. The product is very good quality and at the time I ordered it, it was only one cent plus tax making it 0.27 cents. The pink color is not as vibrant as it is in the picture, but i honestly prefer the color they sent. The case fits my phone perfectly and it is excellent quality. The screen protector is a plastic screen protector, not glass, but I am still very pleased with it. Thank you seller.