This is my second purchase from this seller. First one was 100% OK but now I am not satisfied. Battery is advertised as 600mAh. Label says 600mAh. But on the back side there is faint print saying "500mah". It looks like the seller tried to wash the text away with alcohol etc. In reality the battery has 480mAh (first battery) and 485mAh (second battery). (Charged at 300mA to 4.2V, charge terminated at 30mA. Discharged to 3.0V at 300mA.) I am NOT satisfied as I hate dishonest sellers! The battery should be advertised as 500mAh. I don't have problem buying this as 500mA. I might even buy more for my projects. But as the matter of principal I am giving only 3 stars for scamming people.
This is my second purchase from this seller. First one was 100% OK but now I am not satisfied. Battery is advertised as 600mAh. Label says 600mAh. But on the back side there is faint print saying "500mah". It looks like the seller tried to wash the text away with alcohol etc. In reality the battery has 480mAh (first battery) and 485mAh (second battery). (Charged at 300mA to 4.2V, charge terminated at 30mA. Discharged to 3.0V at 300mA.) I am NOT satisfied as I hate dishonest sellers! The battery should be advertised as 500mAh. I don't have problem buying this as 500mA. I might even buy more for my projects. But as the matter of principal I am giving only 3 stars for scamming people.