Over the last few years, I have bought over 10 cables from different sellers. They are not the best quality. But they are convenient and I can at least use for a few months. Given the low price, I am ok with it. But the two cables I bought from here, one had very low volume and volume control doesn't work. The other might have some noise. I am very disappointed. I talked to the seller and he wanted to have video proof. I have no time for this and I don't trust this seller any more, even if he re-sends the product. I have just bought two from other sellers.
Over the last few years, I have bought over 10 cables from different sellers. They are not the best quality. But they are convenient and I can at least use for a few months. Given the low price, I am ok with it. But the two cables I bought from here, one had very low volume and volume control doesn't work. The other might have some noise. I am very disappointed. I talked to the seller and he wanted to have video proof. I have no time for this and I don't trust this seller any more, even if he re-sends the product. I have just bought two from other sellers.