The packer counts manually. Mistakes, counting small things, resistors, resistor tapes. As a result, reports that it is easier to count. I had a large number of optocouplers. No problem. Alternatively, order spare change and you will have enough for the project . Due to quarantine delays, delivery from 40 days became 90 days . No problem.Lost time. 0805 1ohm-10Mohm SMD 36valuesx20pcs=720pcs*2=1440pcs 1420pcs -20pcs :-? button DIP 100pcs 97pcs -3pcs :-0 1/4W 300kOm 100pcs 98pcs -3pcs :-) 1/4W 200kOm 100pcs 100pcs 1/4W 10kOm 100pcs 100pcs 1/4W 470Om 100pcs 101pcs +1pcs :-0 1/4W 100Om 100pcs 99pcs -1pcs :-0 1MOm 3362P-1-105LF 10pcs 10pcs 400v*4.7mkf 10pcs 10pcs TLP627 DIP4 40pcs 41pcs +1pcs :-0 IRF840 10psc 10psc HER108 20psc 20psc
Ordered a fat sack of HER508 PN junctions, received them all. This seller keeps it real. Me love you long time ; )