very disappointed with this seller. I have paid for this item and soon after I paid the seller told me to cancel the order with no explanation. However on the minute they sent it but there was no tracking information. After messaging the seller countless times Eventually I got a tracking number. I checked and it showed the item was delivered to a different province and city not even near where I live. I contacted the seller again they always saw the message but never responded so I opened a dispute. I got a message from them telling me to close dispute and they will look Into It. Weeks went by and countless messages latter nothing. So I opened another dispute and of course another message telling me to close dispute but at that point I was done dealing with this dishonest seller. I believe Aliexpress refunded my money as it says refund processed in the dispute however I have not checked yet. Be careful not to get scamed by this seller.
doesn't got it, but got a fast refund , thank you