This is my 3rd SKMEI watch and I really really love it. This replica is just so much better than CASIO original because this watch has constant backlight after pressing the light button which is very high quality and convenient. Original Casio for 60€+ doesn't have this function which is good for me, since I can just order Skmei and have a much better product in the end. My two older Skmei watches are 3+ years old and still working solidly like they should. But one golden watch after some water damage one button stopped working (time adjustment on the right) and silver watch speaker stopped working after drop. That's why I bought brand new golden one to go to work, meetings etc, and got two other older ones for leisure. I highly recommend this product and seller - it's much better than original casio!
Another excellent watch and fast delivery thank you very much. I strongly recommend the seller