If I chose this seller it is not for the price of the product because it is higher than some competitors, but because the transport was provided by Aliexpress Standard. In fact I always use this mode of transport because I have never had a bad surprise. Out, the seller decided without asking my opinion to use DHL. As soon as I found out I wrote to this seller explaining that DHL is one of those carriers that charges additional administrative costs. He replied that I would only have to pay the customs fees. Unfortunately, when the package arrived in France DHL called me to tell me that I actually had customs taxes, which is normal, and in addition to the administrative costs. And as soon as I wrote to this seller to tell him that I did not want to bear these additional costs invoiced by DHL, since November 06 he no longer answers me. Do not buy from this seller anymore.
The camera is nice. The delivery took ages. The seller changed the shipping method and did not answer my price question. I had very bad feelings about it, but it came ok after a very long time, so it is a happy end !