Thank you for bag. This time you send a black one.
This bag is more for lady than for man, it's small with internal and external pockets very shallow. not much use it cannot carry many items as advertised. The bag is poorly made. I contacted the seller about this matter and was advised to open a dispute for a full refund by sending the bag back to the seller. I opened the dispute, but was advised by AliExpress to send the bag back within 7 days to the seller before they can refund me my money. AliExpress presume that I was in China but I am not in China that I can send the bag back within 7 days.. Unfortunately, due to the Covid 19 my country (Vietnam) postal service for international mail was closed and I was unable to send the bag to the seller. Due to this, again I contacted the seller and ask if there is other solution, but I got feed back from the seller can not do anything. It's just like forcing me to accept the bag, which not appropriate for my use.
since I received the bag, I have not use it, because it's small for man use, it's more of a lady designed bag. all the internal and external pockets are very shallow, it cannot carry many items. the construction of the bag is poor. picture show my 14 inches laptop, the pocket is only half way my laptop and the elastic straps is short.