My friends I hope my feedback is meaningful. 1. Firstly I will discuss experience with the seller. Seller was very respectful, informative, and helpful. Seller was very comforting and trusting amidst the recessive down shift of economy. With kind words from seller and item shipping traceability I was able to wait patiently. No buyer protection dispute was ever exercised. 2. Secondly, my experience with purchasing from AliExpress international retailer. All positive. Shipping times are obviously slower due to economic logistics. Nonetheless, item was delivered within window of buyer protection and goods received within estimated timeframe. 3. Thirdly, the item itself the BGVP DM6. The biggest take away is this...clarity, clarity, and more beautiful clarity. Awesome experience, hope this helps someone else out there.---Xaeon
Great earpiece. Customization works, but the picture didn't really come out like the picture. They surely coulda done more to adjust the picture at least.