Please don't buy from this seller, I had worst experience in Aliexpress buying from this store. he practices fraud and deception! * He'll change the shipping method to cheaper one without your approval or even informing you. * he add a fake tracking number to the system. * if you are lucky he'll answer you after 10 - 14 days and just ignore the important points, some times will not reply at all Don't waste your time here, look for another store!!!
Please don't buy from this seller, I had worst experience in Aliexpress buying from this store. he practices fraud and deception! * He'll change the shipping method to cheaper one without your approval or even informing you. * he add a fake tracking number to the system. * if you are lucky he'll answer you after 10 - 14 days and just ignore the important points, some times will not reply at all Don't waste your time here, look for another store!!!