2 weeks delivery. great price. As usual with this seller : 1 of the 17 items of my order is not here... only 27cts lost, but seller must take care when preparing...
Perhaps one of the most honest electronics merchants I know on Aliexpress. Bought here many times. All orders are clearly fulfilled and dispatched quickly. And problems, even small ones, are solved. Service is excellent! 10 stars out of 5! If the buyer respects the work of salespeople, they will respect you doubly. As for the product, everything is exactly as in the description. Very nice RS485 adapter with a line protection, for a very good price.
TX и RX поменяны местами. Это означает, что TX модуля должен быть подключен к TX внешнего устройства (Arduino, контроллер и т. д.). RX модуля должен быть подключен к RX внешнего устройства. В остальном все отлично.