Fake! Relabeled TDA7496 - tested. Amplifier chips in multiwatt15 casing can be separated using A multi-meter. If resistance between pins 8-15 and 8-11 is around 50R and 30K between pins 7-1 and 7-5 chip type is TDA7496 or TDA7495. If in addition resistance is around 50R between pins 8-4 and 30k between pins 7-6 chip type is TDA7497. Chips TDA7496 or TDA7495 have identical function but different power and can be separated only by testing quiescent current in active mode - around 25ma for TDA7496 and 70ma for TDA7495. TDA7294 can be separated from TDA7293 because pins 5,11 and 12 are not connected anywhere in TDA7294. At asked price I hoped for better, previously I have got TDA7294 relabeled to TDA7293, but not souch complete fake!
Thank you