All OK
As described. To save a time for those who will connect it to linux powered machine: - install i2c-tools - check for all i2c busses you have i2cdetect -l - check all the buses for device with address 0x3C i2cdetect -y ? (where ? is a bus number from previous command) if you see a table with 3C you know device is connected and communicate - this will initialize the display and shows RAM content (mess but sufficient to check display is working) i2ctransfer -y -v 2 w29@0x3c 0x00 0xAE 0x20 0x00 0xB0 0xC8 0x00 0x10 0x40 0x81 0x3F 0xA1 0xA6 0xA8 0x1F 0xA4 0xD3 0x00 0xD5 0xF0 0xD9 0x22 0xDA 0x02 0xDB 0x20 0x8D 0x14 0xAF