The product is as described.After full charge the camera says 3 hours and 59 minutes worth of power.When charging is done the charger's led turn to green.The item arrived slow but it's not the seller's fault.This is the second order, the first never arrived ( it was sent from Los Angeles instead of China) and I've got a refund. Only time will tell how good is this battery.
Disappointing.After full charging the battery discharged normally to 50% and in the next second dropped to 0% and the camera shut down.What's the catch with the instant discharge from 50% to0%?
The product is as described.After full charge the camera says 3 hours and 59 minutes worth of power.When charging is done the charger's led turn to green.The item arrived slow but it's not the seller's fault.This is the second order, the first never arrived ( it was sent from Los Angeles instead of China) and I've got a refund. Only time will tell how good is this battery.