Great quality thnks
I have been shopping from AliExpress for many years and this is the worse seller i have ever encountered during my buying eperience. Before i made my order i asked some questions about the shipment but they did not return to me. I thought they might not have got my messages and made my order. I bought 5 pieces of brushes. And a month after the order date i received the parcel. But there were only 3 brushes in the package . 2 brushes were missing. Before i wrote a destructive comment here, I tried to communicate with seller and kept sending messages, but again did not get any answer. The seller insists on not replying me. I did not want to speak ill of the seller but i had no choice. The main problem is not the missing product it is being ignored by the seller. If they had answer my messages we would have solved the problem easily. I hope AliExpress authorities should warn this seller about it's attitude.