The cable is of great quality, the connectors are strong and have good contacts, the wires are good gor the rated power, the isolation is great and it's strong and flexible. the connector is mini 4-pin NOT standard 4-pin. I got it for Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 and it doesn't fit. I ended up modifying the original connector because the cable is good enough and it's reliable. The modification is simple for a technician but DON'T DO IT YOURSELF UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
The cable is of great quality, the connectors are strong and have good contacts, the wires are good gor the rated power, the isolation is great and it's strong and flexible. the connector is mini 4-pin NOT standard 4-pin. I got it for Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 and it doesn't fit. I ended up modifying the original connector because the cable is good enough and it's reliable. The modification is simple for a technician but DON'T DO IT YOURSELF UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING.