19264 192*64 130X65MM Graphic Matrix COG LCD Module Display Screen build-in ST7525 Controller Blue Gray LCD with LED Backlight ► Photo 1/6
19264 192*64 130X65MM Graphic Matrix COG LCD Module Display Screen build-in ST7525 Controller Blue Gray LCD with LED Backlight ► Photo 1/6
19264 192*64 130X65MM Graphic Matrix COG LCD Module Display Screen build-in ST7525 Controller Blue Gray LCD with LED Backlight ► Photo 2/6
19264 192*64 130X65MM Graphic Matrix COG LCD Module Display Screen build-in ST7525 Controller Blue Gray LCD with LED Backlight ► Photo 3/6

19264 192*64 130X65MM Graphic Matrix COG LCD Module Display Screen build-in ST7525 Controller Blue Gray LCD with LED Backlight

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Customer Reviews

January 9, 2019

Display is good! , but you need to have some skills to make it work. It's already pre-soldered to use 4-line SPI interface and datasheet don't provide any info about how to solder it for different protocol, I figured out it myself (in my case I just unsoldered J1-J8 and all JP pads and soldered J9-J11, this allows to set interface programatically)

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