A faulty one came. I wrote to the seller. The seller apologized, offered to return the money through Paypal. Paypal is not accepted in Ukraine. I offered to return the money through a dispute. The seller agreed. I opened a dispute. The seller went into denial in the dispute. I wrote to him. He apologized, offered to return the money through Paypal. I wrote again that I can only get money through a dispute. The seller said OK. As a result: the seller stalled for time and did not return the money. Aliexpress returned half the cost. Time and money wasted. Buying a used printhead is always a risk. There are many faulty ones. Buy only from those sellers who return money and do not fool around.
The print head doesn't work. I had to reassemble my old head with blocked nozzles to continue to work. There was no shipping fuid Inside the head, I'm not sure it was a new one !!!