Buyer beware. Nice power supply but damaging your battery. Charging (floating) voltage way to high up to 14.7volts and higher when power supply is delivering power to load. Advertised as 13.8V floating no way.. Measured 2 units, both have the same problem. Maybe all? Dispuut say no. Setup photo with voltages measured is no good evidence.
PROBLEMS: -The battery charge voltage (CH2) increases as the load on output (CH1) increases. For example: CH1 at no load & battery charge voltage CH2 set at 13.65V increases to 13.93V with 50W load on CH1. -The adjustment resistor changes both CH1 and CH2. If I set CH2 at 13.7V then CH1 is set to 11.5V. CH1 equals CH2 minus 2.2V. Conversely CH2=CH1+2.2V Therefore You can't set a sensible battery charging voltage and have 12V output. -As noted by others, when the mains power is off the CH1 voltage is equal to the battery voltage.