151007 HD151007 SOP ► Photo 1/1


  • Brand Name: CazenOveyi
  • Origin: JP(Origin)
  • Condition: New
  • Type: PCB
  • Model Number: IC
  • Application: DIY
  • Operating Temperature: International standard
  • Supply Voltage: International standard
  • Dissipation Power: International standard
  • Package: SMD
  • is_customized: Yes

151007 HD151007 SOP

Alitools rating:
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2.76 $
7   orders
5   reviews
Rating: 4.2

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Customer Reviews

August 3, 2019

The product did not work and seems inferior, I replaced the faulty part in the ECU with one of the ICs bought and is causing the coils to get hot, I tried a second IC from the batch I bought and that is also causing the same problem. I got a used IC from another ECU and that solve the problem.

August 3, 2019

The product did not work and seems inferior, I replaced the faulty part in the ECU with one of the ICs bought and is causing the coils to get hot, I tried a second IC from the batch I bought and that is also causing the same problem. I got a used IC from another ECU and that solve the problem.
