Good transaction, good quality of product. I am completely satisfied. All as described. The seller has written a CN22 customs declaration with low value of the goods shipped to my address, exactly as I asked, and has given real tracking information. I recommend the seller and the product. Качество хорошее, приятно удивлён - не ожидал. На хомутах указан диаметр - 32 мм. Металл - не фольга, достаточной прочности и упругости.
Диаметр штанов передней вилки - 38 мм, поэтому хомуты не совсем подходят, что видно на фото.
The product was as expected in the pictures but the hardware is not able to be fitted right away. I am using a city bike with 700C wheels.The solution is not for city bike as mentionned on the description.. In addition the package needs to be more protected as it was folded in the transport. is there a solution for getting the right holders?