Product didn't arrive as it was returned to the seller before it left the country. No real explanation was given and the seller wasn't tracking the shipment so two weeks had lapsed before recovery action commenced. Seller was hard communicating with lack of response to enquiries regarding the item. Seller did suggest sending with another freight DPex but could not give freight estimate and suspect it was going to be really expensive. DPex has also a bad track record as well for delivery in Australia from what I have researched. Dispute opened and Aliexpress offered immediate refund.
Product didn't arrive as it was returned to the seller before it left the country. No real explanation was given and the seller wasn't tracking the shipment so two weeks had lapsed before recovery action commenced. Seller was hard communicating with lack of response to enquiries regarding the item. Seller did suggest sending with another freight DPex but could not give freight estimate and suspect it was going to be really expensive. DPex has also a bad track record as well for delivery in Australia from what I have researched. Dispute opened and Aliexpress offered immediate refund.