I have ordered and received over 1500 items from China's AliExpress over the last five years, and I don't have the Corona Virus 19. The Corona Virus does not come from China! The seller honored the terms of the sale and sent the item using AliExpress Standard Shipping that uses the "6077" tracking number. The package arrived in South Korea in 8 days. The local shipping company takes up to 4 days to deliver domestic packages, so there's really no difference. I highly recommend this seller.
This item did not reach me and seller extended the time and after that would not reply to my messages and took it disputes but seller did not response BIG THIEF
This item never made to my doorstep and upon enquiring seller won’t respond to messages highly not recommended as they took the money and item not got to me and was told I will be refunded if item won’t reach but guess what no refund or response from seller