After trying to burn the bootloader on this IC I got an error. The error contains a message telling me what the device's signature is. I tried a total of 3 IC's with the following returned signatures: 0x1e920a 0x1e9205 These signatures are commenly known for the ATMEGA48 and not the ATMEGA168. If it was the ATMEGA168. it should have returned the following signatures: ATmega168 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168A 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168PA 0x1E 0x94 0x0B The IC's I received are rebranded ATMEGA48's.
After trying to burn the bootloader on this IC I got an error. The error contains a message telling me what the device's signature is. I tried a total of 3 IC's with the following returned signatures: 0x1e920a 0x1e9205 These signatures are commenly known for the ATMEGA48 and not the ATMEGA168. If it was the ATMEGA168. it should have returned the following signatures: ATmega168 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168A 0x1E 0x94 0x06 ATmega168PA 0x1E 0x94 0x0B The IC's I received are rebranded ATMEGA48's.