5-Star Feedback for this seller even though item (10 pcs IRF3205 Mosfet) NEVER arrived after 123 calendar days. Seller extended purchase protection twice. But, the item still did not arrive. Seller understood the situation and gave a full refund. It's unfortunate that the item is lost in transit and I had to order the item from another seller. I wish more sellers would offer shipping with tracking that is priced closer to the items listed.
5-Star Feedback for this seller even though item (10 pcs IRF3205 Mosfet) NEVER arrived after 123 calendar days. Seller extended purchase protection twice. But, the item still did not arrive. Seller understood the situation and gave a full refund. It's unfortunate that the item is lost in transit and I had to order the item from another seller. I wish more sellers would offer shipping with tracking that is priced closer to the items listed.