This package came in good condition on time. I appreciate the seller sending a miniature nail file that was really nice. I did not count everything in the package but I am assuming it is all there. The metal piece is super sturdy. The only issue I had is that the files are not marked with the grit only the package is and one was marked 180 but I have no real idea if the others are really 100 grit as they both feel and look the same to me. It is a great value though and like I said you can not beat the price
This package came in good condition on time. I appreciate the seller sending a miniature nail file that was really nice. I did not count everything in the package but I am assuming it is all there. The metal piece is super sturdy. The only issue I had is that the files are not marked with the grit only the package is and one was marked 180 but I have no real idea if the others are really 100 grit as they both feel and look the same to me. It is a great value though and like I said you can not beat the price