What problems will arise when buying a product from this seller: 1. The seller will not answer your questions if you have a problem. 2. The seller may send the parcel to the wrong address, as in my case. 3. Delivery times will be violated and the seller will extend the protection without prior notice or your consent. 4. The parcel arrived in another city, so I can't get it. I offered the seller to return the money, as the package will be returned to him automatically. The seller refused do that. He constantly writes to me that the package is already in the post. He is so stupid that he can't understand that the parcel is at the post office in another city in my country. To be honest, the seller is just an asshole and a thief who does not take responsibility for solving his problems. While it can be done honestly, no one gets hurt. I don't recommend the seller. If you run into problems, he won't help you! If you need confirmation of a transaction, you can write to me 5701@bk.ru
Not good