Please try to ride this story about the best seller! I don't know how to say thanks to this seller, because we face some problem from Shipping Agent. They pack the goods intact, the transporter took the goods and send it to another country. i contact the seller my goods not arrived to my country, why? he response to me, am sorry i will repack the goods and paid the Shipping fee $170 for you. after that again another wrong shipping to another country. Am contact the seller am telling him refund my money i don't want this nipples with angry he just apologize me he will paid another $170 for shipping to my country Nigeria. And it arrive safely without any damage or problem. Thanks to this seller trust him 100%x100%
Please try to ride this story about the best seller! I don't know how to say thanks to this seller, because we face some problem from Shipping Agent. They pack the goods intact, the transporter took the goods and send it to another country. i contact the seller my goods not arrived to my country, why? he response to me, am sorry i will repack the goods and paid the Shipping fee $170 for you. after that again another wrong shipping to another country. Am contact the seller am telling him refund my money i don't want this nipples with angry he just apologize me he will paid another $170 for shipping to my country Nigeria. And it arrive safely without any damage or problem. Thanks to this seller trust him 100%x100%