Seller Ratings on AliExpress

Check the seller's rating before you buy - this will ensure that you shop safely.
As part of the Alitools Shopping Assistant
3,600+ reviews
500,000+ users

Safe and transparent shopping

Simple tools that help you choose reliable sellers.
Large base of sellers
The largest database of sellers with detailed statistics and ratings, available to all for free
Update every 2 weeks
The seller rating is updated twice a month. We are constantly monitoring and updating the data.
Everything is automated
We display the rating on the product page, you see the necessary information at once.
2 million users
More than two million users use Alitools to shop on AliExpress each month.
Simple and straightforward rating
On the product page we show the seller's confidence level, which makes it easy to assess his reliability.
All information about the seller
Show more information about the seller by clicking on the mini widget.

Why do you need a seller rating on AliExpress?

There are a lot of sellers on AliExpress, so it's important to understand who you can buy from and who you can't.

Unscrupulous seller

When shopping on AliExpress you notice from different sellers the same product, everything looks the same: description, price and shipping costs. Who to choose and not to miscalculate? The seller rating will show you the overall rating and a brief summary of each seller. You can easily decide who to buy from.

The product does not match the description

You found a product interesting to you, with a beautiful description and bright pictures, you are impressed with everything, but will the purchase match the description? Don't buy a pig in a poke! Look at the reviews and photo reports from customers who have bought the product. But it is easier to look at the seller's rating, it will show exactly how much the product description corresponds to reality.

Problems with logistics

Have you ever encountered a situation where a seller sends a product with a big delay or doesn't send it at all? Yes, it happens. There are thousands of sellers on AliExpress, and not all of them are responsible for sending packages quickly and reliably.

We strongly recommend that you check the seller's rating before every purchase, and in particular the speed of parcels being shipped. So that you don't have to wait for weeks for your parcel and don't have to deal with refunds.

Beginner seller

There are thousands of sellers on AliExpress. Every day there are hundreds of new sellers, many of them one-day sellers, and some newcomers just haven't had time to make a reputation yet. In any case, you have to be careful with beginners.

Checking the seller rating from Alitools will show you whether the seller is new or has already built up a solid reputation. This will help make your shopping experience safer.

Buy only from reliable sellers with Alitools!
Check the seller's rating before you buy to ensure a safe shopping experience.
These features are built for you
Seller Ratings on AliExpress
Check the seller's rating before you buy - this will ensure that you shop safely.
AliExpress Shipping Tracking
Daily, detailed delivery reports on your shipment and parcel tracker of products from AliExpress.
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AliExpress Image Search
Find any product on AliExpress website using the image search. Search takes 6-7 seconds.
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Price Drop Alert On AliExpress
Using our Telegram bot, you will be notified as soon as the price drops.
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Auto-apply promo codes on AliExpress
Activate any available AliExpress promo code or coupon automatically.
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Answers to a few frequent questions

What is a seller rating on AliExpress?

Seller rating is a generalized indicator of the reliability of the store. The rating of the store includes such parameters as the quality of goods and their compliance with the description, the timeliness of shipment and delivery of purchased goods, how well the seller communicates with customers, etc.

How to check the seller on Aliexpress?

Checking the seller on aliexpress is easy. All you need to do is install the Alitools extension. When you visit any product page, Alitools will automatically check the seller and display its rating as an understandable number. The higher the number, the better the rating of the Ali Express store.

How does seller checking work on AliExpress?

Checking Seller in the Alitools extension works fully automatically. Alitools updates data on all sellers on Ali Express several times a month, analyzes this data and converts it into a simple and intuitive number. When you open an item on Ali Express, the extension will automatically show you the current seller rating. The higher the number the rating - the higher the reliability of the store.