Auto-apply promo codes on AliExpress

Activate any available AliExpress promo code or coupon automatically.
As part of the Alitools Shopping Assistant
3,600+ reviews
500,000+ users

Save more with one click

No more shopping without extra discounts.
Forget about coupon websites. The extension will find and apply the best promo code for you.
Huge base of promo codes
Collected a huge database of promo codes from trusted AliExpress partners. Updated daily.
Priceless during sale time
There are a lot of coupons that aren't publicly available, but we do have access to them as trusted partners at AliExpress.
Fast search
We develop a special algorithm, that goes through the entire array of discounts in one minute.
Safe and transparent
No more suspicious websites and intrusive ads if you want to find and apply a promo code.
Saved $1,000,000+
Alitools' users have saved more than one million dollars with our auto-activation promo code feature.

Benefits auto-apply promo codes on AliExpress

This saves you time and money.

There are so many promo codes now

Every month there are thousands of new sellers on AliExpress along with thousands of new coupons. How do you make sense of it and find the biggest bargains? Alitools solves this problem quickly and safely, so let's just give it a try.

Invalid promo codes

Every other website now offers the latest and most relevant promo codes for AliExpress. This is not true, most of them have expired or simply never existed. We have solved this problem once and for all.

Everything on one page

We used to all look for coupons all over the internet. Now when you add items to your cart and on the payment page, Alitools will prompt you to apply promo codes based on your products.
Make your shopping more pleasant with Alitools!
Activate promo codes with one click and save even more.
These features are built for you
Seller Ratings on AliExpress
Check the seller's rating before you buy - this will ensure that you shop safely.
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AliExpress Shipping Tracking
Daily, detailed delivery reports on your shipment and parcel tracker of products from AliExpress.
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AliExpress Image Search
Find any product on AliExpress website using the image search. Search takes 6-7 seconds.
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Price Drop Alert On AliExpress
Using our Telegram bot, you will be notified as soon as the price drops.
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Auto-apply promo codes on AliExpress
Activate any available AliExpress promo code or coupon automatically.

Answers to a few frequent questions

How to activate a promo code on AliExpress?

Install the Alitools browser extension, select items and place them in your cart. At the payment stage you will be prompted to activate the coupon.

How do I check if a coupon works?

There's no need to check, we've already done everything for you. We only have verified coupons.

How to apply multiple promocodes at once?

No, you can only activate one coupon. Alitools will find the best one.

How do I know this is the maximum discount?

You can manually compare the promo codes you find online with our matching system. We are sure Alitools will find the best discount for you.