Before you purchase a certain item on AliExpress – especially when it comes to buying electronic devices – we advise you to check their real cost in the official store. If you see a reseller selling this product for a much lower price, check the seller's reputation first and read buyers’ reviews.
Pay attention to the seller that you’re going to buy an item from. Make sure they have been selling for quite some time now (at least for a year), have shipped numerous items out, have received many reviews (and mostly good ones), and that their rating is high enough.
Surprisingly, not everyone is aware of AliExpress coupons. If you’re one of those customers who’s never bothered to search for a coupon, we highly recommend applying an AliExpress discount code, as it can get you up to 50% off, or even more!
Yes, absolutely. However, as we’ve mentioned above, it is important to make sure that you’re ordering from an established, reliable seller with good reviews, so that you don’t receive a product of very poor quality and become a victim of fraud.
To ask for a refund, all you need is to click on the “Dispute” button next to your order. However, opening a dispute does not automatically get you a refund – you’ll have to negotiate the situation with the seller first. The results of the dispute depend on the state of the product, whether you’ve received it or not, and other factors.
First of all, visit the AliExpress Coupon Center to see the list of active coupons and check the details of each one of them. Then, add the item to your cart and proceed to the payment page. You will see the list of the coupons that can be applied to your order right above the total.
While the majority of AliExpress sellers may offer to ship an item out for free, an extra shipping fee may be required if the product is too large or too heavy. You will see all the available shipping methods prior to proceeding to checkout, so you can either refuse or accept the offer.
On AliExpress, all the payment information you provide is protected by SSL, and your bank most likely uses the modern 3D Secure system anyway. That said, we can assure you that whatever payment method you select – whether it’s PayPal or a credit card – every transaction on AliExpress will be safe and protected.